Sunday, April 26, 2009

We always tease Landon that he looks like Grandpa with his pants hiked up so far!


Landon's 1st Easter was pretty uneventful but was good...
We went to church that morning and then my parents came out for dinner. We fried a turkey and ate on the yellow China, which was neat. Chris had to go to work early so he left right after dinner. Mom and I fed Landon his cereal, gave him a bath and called it a night!
He's sitting up here with help from Chris... the rabbit is covering his hand!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

This is the first family photo with our son Landon. He was born January 17, and we are very blessed to have him in our lives. At 12 weeks, he now smiles and has the sweetest personality. He certainly knows his mom & dad, and greets us with his big ole grin. Having a kid really does change your life!